10 months

Lowlifes in High Places

Corruption is Our Constitution



Free Trump From Lawfare


The Illegal Republic ranges from the self-selected corrupt politicians in the highest offices to the local illegal alien cartel slave.

What we are seeing is President Trump of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America vs the Illegal Republic of Selected Joe Bidan where Corruption is Their Constitution


President Trump said he will not quit the fight for our nation. This one man is the tip of our national spear.

Regardless of how much they attack him, President Trump stands resolute, steadfast and unwavering in opposition to the destruction of our nation. As much as it pains us to see these vicious lawfare attacks, we can be certain that every leftist effort will result in a backfire against them.

Pray for President Trump. Pray for strength within our nation and prepare yourself mentally for the task at hand.




Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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