5 months

Black Swan or Black Blob?

Black Swan Becomes an AI Nudge-Driven Black Blob

The Black Swan is not coming soon; it is here, but it has the characteristics more of a Black Blob, a consuming monstrous artificial AI-driven transformation, than a distinct and sudden catastrophic natural event.



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History has conditioned observers of current events to assume a dramatic, single event, the "Black Swan" will arrive from no-where and suddenly change the world.

With AI Nudging technology, we may not experience a single large event, instead we are being subsumed, absorbed and transformed, becoming the Black Blob.

Don't Attack, Become

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson and Michael Yon, Yon related a story where he spoke to a Chinese expat in South America, a Chinese supremacist and admitted colonizer, who boldly stated: "China does not want to attack the world, China wants to become the world".

In this paradigm, Chinas massive expansionist push, is not a Black Swan, its a Black Blob. The Chinese supremacist expansionist push, which is the next step of the Belt and Road, and presaged by the USA Invasion, will coincide with a massive financial collapse of the USA, especially the West Coast.

AI Nudging technology is a paradigm shift.

With the digitization of the USA and Western economies and social life, digital platforms are like a Black Blob, that has enveloped and consumed natural organic life.

Humans are not patient enough to nudge, they can nudge for a while, nudge, nudge, nudge. But the human, organic behavior is to nudge, nudge, nudge, PUSH, PUSH.

However, a machine, an Artificial Intelligence, can inhumanely, and persistently, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge.

With AI Nudge technology, a Black Swan is not needed, instead we have a million nudges, a Black Blob.

We are in the Black Blob now, a Black Swan transformed into a Black Blob via AI nudging technology.

We still may see some big sudden events, like a traditional Black Swan, but the current and predominant platform for social engineering right now, is the AI Nudge-Driven Black Blob.



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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