7 months

China Camp Records Destroyed in Suspicious Fire

China Camp is a terrorist bus station to United States funded by United States.

The drone footage below has never been seen and was made yesterday. This is a United Nations Camp in Darien, Panama, after “migrant” attack two days ago.

This is China Camp in Darien, Panama.

Two days ago, a riot occurred in this camp. Several courageous @senafrontpanama men were seriously hurt trying to save the camp and stop the attack.

Arson was committed including an attack on vital records of invaders who pass through this camp. According to @senafrontpanama , computers and vital records were burned and destroyed.

The attack is said to have started from an internal dispute between “migrants”. The records were attacked during the violence. 44 “migrants” reportedly have been arrested so far. Others vanished into the night. Vanished with what? The records?

Records that include CCP operatives, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others who have passed through were said to have been burned. It is unknown if backups are intact. It is unknown to me if the records were actually burned or maybe just vanished into the night.

Powerful forces are at play. This is a multiplayer game.




Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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