7 months

True The Vote Explains SEB Raffensperger Removal

Powerful Presentation from True The Vote

Every aspect of American life is built on the bedrock of trustworthy elections— an indispensable right that gives citizens a say in the direction of the country, allowing the will of the people to guide our government and be reflected in our laws. Safeguarding elections is a cause rooted in the principles of ordered liberty and individual empowerment.

Far too many Americans, feeling their votes lack impact, choose not to participate. In doing so, they unwittingly surrender their vote and voice to the government. We must vote … but that’s not all … we must also shoulder the responsibility of the electoral process. It is imperative that all freedom-loving citizens actively engage in this essential civic duty. We need all hands on deck.

Trustworthy elections are worth working to save. Together, we can True the Vote.

Source: True The Vote

2000 Mules movie



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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