Gossip to Self Government, His Story to History

New MAGA American System

A New MAGA American System is forming, and the political pioneers and cultural entrepreneurs of the wilderness years (the period since the stolen election of 2020) must adjust quickly from big personalities and gossip merchants to a serious shadow government gathering gravitas in the void of the collapsing regime.

MAGA Inc cannot be seen to celebrate the collapse of Main Street USA. Events like CPAC and Turning Point present an inspiring spectacle which contradicts the economic precariat of Main Street USA.

The MAGA critique of the UniParty Managerial Class was that they profited from Managing the Decline.

From Main Street USA, from my perspective, it looks a lot like MAGA Inc is now also Profiting from Commenting the Decline.

Gossip to Self Government

Gone are the Gossip economy success metrics of clicks, viewers, likes, engagement, subscribers, and sponsors.

In the New MAGA American System, the success metrics will not be merchandise and virtual but hard, physical, economic, moral, and actual.

The political economy of the New American System will be an augmented reality where the online and new media platforms will be a secondary domain, not a primary domain, to the offices of hard power of physical institutions.

In the New MAGA American System, the former Gossip Economy success metrics will be seen as profiteering and grifting and a new form of corruption, a MAGA Inc.

His Story to History

As Main Street USA flee to the New MAGA American system, they will need help. Real answers to hard questions. These people are everyday Americans suffering under the collapsing weight of the corruption of the Illegal Republic.

These citizen refugees, coming to the New MAGA American System, will be everyday people with jobs and families who are greatly stressed.

Main Street Precariat

This American Precariat, the working middle-class Americans in precarious economic and social conditions, want answers; they need help. Their personal and family situations are rapidly deteriorating.

Will the American Precariat come to the New MAGA American Political Entrepreneur and be faced with a wall of long-form, auto-biographical content, cross-sells and upsells, influence peddling, sponsor promos, gossip and self-aggrandizements, culture wars, and subscription paywalls?

As the political economy realigns, new people will convert, will seek information, and will NOT have 5 or 6 years of backstory; they will not care for, or want, or appreciate cultural creators or political entrepreneurs who present their 10 pages of key content, in 1000 pages of gossip.

Dynamic MAGA Moment

Long-form, open-ended, auto-biographical, free-wheeling, influencer-follower ecosystems need to change to seize the Historical Moment and lead with empowering and concise recipes for action.

The political economy of the historical moment is changing quickly, and the political entrepreneurs and their networks need to answer this moment.

The New MAGA American system is a dynamic renewal of the American system, which is an alternative to the left-right, worker-capitalist frameworks of Europe.

In the New MAGA American system, the entrepreneur and the employee, the worker and the boss live in a renewed social contract, where the entrepreneur shares his or her knowledge and specialist organizational abilities with the worker and the employee.

The MAGA Online Influencer and Political Entrepreneur must model this New MAGA American System, and transcend gossip to form government, and skip self-centered autobiographies to strongly shape history.

Government of the People, By the People, For The People, Shall Not Perish from the Earth.



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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