Trump Won 2020: Onwards to Victory in 2024!

Trump Won 2020: Onwards to Victory in 2024!

  1. The Biden regime is an illegitimate usurper. What was done to this country is unforgivable.
  2. Justice is retribution but we will see how that unfolds.
  3. President Trump is the greatest President of the 20th and 21st Century.
  4. The election this fall will be the greatest comeback in USA political history.
  5. The Biden family are trash, and the incoming Trump administration needs to take out the trash
  6. The Illegal Republic has put 35 Trillion in debt
  7. 10 million plus new illegals invaders
  8. Every Black and Hispanic person in this country needs to vote Republican, we will set you fit you free.
  9. Trumps crime against the Illegal Republic is that the working man got a seat at the table.
  10. The crimes of the combination of Big Tech, Federal Easy Money Reserve, the oligarchs and the political mafia known as the Democratic Party
  11. Onward to Victory



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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