President Trump projected strength, confidence and competence in a recent Town Hall with a Fox News employee and the audience loved President Trump.
Source: The Conservative Treehouse
President Donald Trump held a townhall event with Laura Ingraham, a woman who feels remarkably self-important given her irrelevance. Within the interview President Trump extended the allotted time to give the audience some direct, honest and pragmatic answers to questions in a way that only Trump can give.
Video: Fox News
Source: The Conservative Treehouse
Never forget, Fox News where the first to call Arizona for Biden, lead the election fraud coverup and Fox was a huge Covid lockdown and pharmacide / mrnacide advertising channel.
Fake News Network, Fox News, is increasing positive coverage of President Trump to rescue ratings.
Like Big tech is re-platforming MAGA right now, be prepared for a purge or future betrayals closer to the elections.

Dynamic GOP
Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20