8 months

Hand Count Roadshow

Non Partisan Hand Count

Our Mission: Build broad-based support for returning ownership and responsibility for elections back to all American Citizens, regardless of political ideologies or affiliation.

Our Goal: Personal visits to counties to educate and demonstrate that there exist procedures that are realistic, efficient, cost-effective, transparent, and fully verifiable by everyone to build earned confidence in our Elections. And from the sound of it, there may soon be additional groups of citizens working with us to follow our lead simultaneously in other states!

At Each County over a 2-day visit:

Our Mission: Build broad-based support for returning ownership and responsibility for elections back to all American Citizens, regardless of political ideologies or affiliation.

Our Goal: Personal visits to counties to educate and demonstrate that there exist procedures that are realistic, efficient, cost-effective, transparent, and fully verifiable by everyone to build earned confidence in our Elections. And from the sound of it, there may soon be additional groups of citizens working with us to follow our lead simultaneously in other states!

At Each County over a 2-day visit:

  1. Public Election Integrity Briefing to explain the Election Ecosystem, Vulnerabilities, and Solutions
  2. Mobile hands-on demonstration of:
  3. Reclaiming control of maintaining your voter rolls
  4. Running an efficient precinct-based transparent hand-count using cameras that allow every citizen to independently verify every vote and every ballot for no cost. This insures 100% reliability and returns complete trust to our election system. Please see Mock County’s Election Results to see a sample of a process. HCRS does not endorse any particular method. This concept of transparency should be implemented with any chosen process.
  5. Meetings with local Grass Roots, Election Officials, Commissioners, Sheriffs, and other Countywide and City officials to answer questions and provide suggestions on paths to reclaiming and securing their elections
  6. Recruiting Citizens committed to working the elections

Source: Hand Count Road Show



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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