8 months

CAGOP Endorses Citizens For A Better San Francisco

John Dennis, CBSF slate candidate and Chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party said, “We on the CBSF slate are honored and thrilled to have the endorsement of Chairwoman Patterson. Under the Chairwoman’s leadership, the California Republican Party has thrived. CBSF members will continue to grow the SFGOP as Chairwoman Patterson has grown the California Republican Party.”

  • John Dennis*+ 約翰 · 丹尼斯
  • Chairman, SFGOP
  • Board of Directors, CAGOP
  • 19th Assembly District

Chairwoman Patterson is one of many Republican leaders who have endorsed the CBSF slate. Keep an eye out for more endorsements in the coming weeks.

You can learn more about the Citizens For A Better San Francisco slate



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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