about 1 year

California's Structural Drought: Water Water Everywhere But Not a Drop a Drink

Globalists and Communists in California's corrupt super-majority have created a permanent California drought

Despite storms flooding the entire state of California this winter, the water is not being captured in dams, large or small, but instead flowing into the ocean.

California has a structural drought, a permanent drought by design.

The Office of the Governor reports Gavin Newsom Proclaimed a State of Emergency for eight counties in Southern California as a series of winter storms began impacting much of the state with high winds, damaging rain, and heavy snowfall.

The proclamation covers Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. The emergency proclamation includes provisions authorizing a California National Guard response if tasked, facilitating unemployment benefits for impacted residents, and making it easier for out-of-state contractors and utilities to repair storm damage.

Source: Zerohedge

Video: Conservative Anthem Rumble



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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