Tina Peters is a Gold Star Mother and a sincere patriot who exposed the deep corruption of the electronic voting machines and the self-dealing of the Secretary of State.
Tina Peters is facing Deep State Lawfare and the very chance of prison.
The current stolen offices of Colorado are some of the most petty and tyranous of all the USA States.
Watch the Tina Peters Movie, its a sad reflection of how corruption can take unqualified people into dangerously powerful positions and then abuse those offices against the patriotic lawful citizens.
Selection Code Movie
[S]ELECTION CODE MOVIE LIVESTREAM Starring Tina Peters https://t.co/K0FJC57QB8
— Tina Peters🇺🇸 Whistleblower of fallen Navy SEAL (@realtinapeters) July 10, 2023
Source: Hammertime

Dynamic GOP
Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20