about 1 year

Mostly Friendly Invasion

Not nice Chinese invasion cloaked by nice economic "illegal immigrants"

Economic illegal immigrants are completely separated from the Chinese military-aged men invasion

Tucker Carlson interviews Bret Weinstein who traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who’s behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it’s not a friendly migration.” He sits down with Tucker Carlson for an in-depth review and analysis.

Professor Weinstein speculates the Covid clearances and the controlled demolion of the West Coast USA was a real-estate swindle and an invasion tactic so that the Chinese invaders can buy real-estate and become the new local elite of the West Coast in cities such as Portland, Seattle and San Francisco.

Weinstein is perplexed, albeit with various theories about the origination and motives behind the mass invasion, however, if you have followed the issue closely since the first rendition during the Obama era in January 2011, the entire “crisis” is nothing more than one growing continuum of the fundamental change. {Go Deep on Timeline} Obama originated the UAC Central American migration. The additional arrivals are a confluence of natural opportunists facilitated by various leftist orgs and countries.

The interview itself is very interesting, including how the Chinese saw the opportunity created by the Obama effort and started taking advantage of it

Source: The Conservative Treehouse

GB News

Neil Oliver interview on the invasion



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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