about 1 year

What is the Precinct Strategy?

Elect leaders of the Republican Party who truly represent the people.

The Precinct Strategy is a grassroots effort to help people like you and me become Precinct Committeemen. Precinct Committeemen are voting members of the party who represent their community and make up the foundation of all political parties.

Fewer than one in one hundred members of a political party can be internal voting members, and parties cannot exist without the influence and power of these Precinct Committee members.

Video: South Carolina Dan Schultz Speech

Video: Pete Santilli Show

The goal of the Precinct Strategy is to help the Republican Party succeed in three ways by:

  1. Influencing the policies and overall direction of the Republican Party
  2. Deciding who represents the Republican Party when running for public office.
  3. Electing leaders of the Republican Party who truly represent the people.

Be a patriot and get into party politics by becoming a Republican Party Precinct Committeeman!




Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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