Trump: Freedom, Faith and Majority Roadmap

Trump: Freedom, Faith and Majority Roadmap

Dynamic President Trump gives an inspiring speech to the Faith & Freedom Coalition event on the topic of the Roadmap to Majority.

ROAD TO MAJORITY POLICY CONFERENCE 2023 INSPIRES VOTERS TO FIGHT FOR PRO-FAITH, PRO-FAMILY AMERICA WASHINGTON, D.C., June 26, 2023 — The Faith & Freedom Coalition on Saturday concluded its 14th annual Road to Majority Policy Conference in the nation’s capital, featuring an extensive lineup of speakers and panelists, including twelve 2024 presidential candidates: former President Donald J. Trump.....

Centered around themes of life, family and freedom, Road to Majority 2023 featured more than 70 speakers and highlighted key victories in the past year, including the landmark ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. The conference galvanized over 2,000 attendees from all over the country to continue advancing a pro-family, pro-freedom America, with an eye on the 2024 elections.

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson reminded the audience, “We are here. We are ready. We are willing to fight. Because what God has blessed us with will not go easily into the night.”

While the speakers acknowledged the challenges America faces, they also offered inspiring messages of hope.

“I believe it is true that our best days as a country can still be ahead of us. We don’t have to be a nation in decline,” Vivek Ramaswamy said.

President Donald Trump said, “It’s time for us to keep our faith, our unity, and our resolve. We must be strong like never before. We must be unstoppable.”

Faith & Freedom Coalition founder and Chairman Ralph Reed concluded Saturday evening’s gala by sharing, “Thank you, God bless you, and we’ll see you one year from now at Road to Majority 2024.”

Source: Faith and Freedom Coalition

Saturday, June 24th, 2023 The Faith and Freedom Coalition 'Road to Majority' Conference is the premier National event for people of faith and conservative activists

Source: Rumble RSBN



Dynamic GOP


Dynamic faction of the GOP is the MAGA movement led by Trump with a leadership team in the House 20


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